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Meditation is an incessant movement. You can never say that you are meditating, or dedicate a period of time to meditation. Meditation is not at your command. Its blessing does not come to you because you lead a systematised life, so to speak, or follow a particular routine or morality.
It only comes when your heart is truly open. Not opened by the key of thought, not made safe by the intellect, but when it is open like the cloudless sky; then it comes without your knowing it, without your calling it.
But you can never guard it, possess it, worship it.

In meditation you are not important, you do not occupy a place; its beauty is not you, its beauty is in itself. And you cannot add anything to it. You don't have to peer through the window hoping to catch her by surprise, or sit in a dark room and wait for her; she only comes when you are not there...

Jiddu Krishnamurti


NETI NETI is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Not this, not that’, is the Vedic method of analysis of negation.

Undirect observation makes clear the misidentification with the body/mind organism and all things of this world, leaving only what it is.

This expression indicates something inexpressible, Neti Neti denies all descriptions of the Ultimate Reality but not reality itself, annihilating completely our sense of self altogether.

Plan your retreat

We welcome teachers and groups who are looking for a place to hold their retreats, a place for holistic activities only, we offer the possibility of staying in a quiet and pleasant place, for the exclusive use of the hosted group in a laic and informal way.

Retreat Center Il Risveglio

  • Indirizzo

    SP 159 Scansanese, n.98
    Scansano, loc. Preselle. Grosseto
  • Partita IVA

  • Email:

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